RJSC is stands for The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms. It is the only authority to register Privet Limited Company, Public Limited Company, Foreign Company, Trade Organization, Society & Partnership Firm in Bangladesh. RJSC also well-known as Joint Stock Companies in Bangladesh.
RJSC deals registration and make sure lawful administration of the entities under the provision of applicable Act as follows:
Companies Act : 1994
Societies Registration Act : 1860
Partnership Registration Act : 1932

RJSC Dealings :

The dealings of RJSC is to register Companies, Trade Organizations, Partnership Firms and Societies including Foreign Companies under the relevant Companies Act : 1994, Partnership Act: 1932 and Society Registration Act: 1860. Also to control and implement the applicable statutory provisions of these Act regarding to the Companies, Partnership Firms, Societies including Trade Organizations.

RJSC works is divided into the following steps:

Name Clearance from RJSC:

Name Clearance is the first step to register a Company, Trade Organization, Partnership Firm or a Society. One how has need a new entity ( it may Company, Partnership Firm, Trade Organization, Society what ever it is) apply for and RJSC authority grants name clearance for the proposed name which does not closely match or resemble write name/s which are already taken.

Registration from RJSC:

Registration is the second step to register an entity to RJSC in Bangladesh. An entrepreneur of a new entity ( already who has a Name Clearance) apply for registration need to prepare Memorandum of Association (MOA) & Articles of Association (AOA). After completing MOA and AOA all directors and shareholders need to duly signed the prescribed papers submit it online and also need to pay stipulated fees to schedule commercial bank.

Return Filling:

Incorporated companies need to submit returns in recommended forms & schedules and RJSC upon satisfaction grants and keep the records to their archive. There are two types of returns filling to the RJSC . Such as Annual Returns and any Entity change Returns.

Issuance of Certified Copies:

If anyone needs Certified Copies of an entity he can apply. After granting application and confirm require payment RJSC issue Certified Copy fro its archives.

Winding Up:

There are two ways to RJSC for winding up a company: a.) Winding Up a Company by the court and b.) Voluntary Winding Up a Company. There are three ways in Voluntary Winding Up, these are Members Voluntary Winding Up, Creditors Voluntary Winding Up and subject to supervision of court.

Struck Off:

If the Registrar RJSC has logical grounds to think that a company is not carrying on the business or in function, then he sends to the company a notice (1st notice) questioning whether the company is carrying on the business or in function.
Within the stipulated 30 days if the Registrar does not receive any answer of the 1st notice, he shall send 2nd notice to the company within 14 days ( after ending said 30 days) stating that within 30 days if not received any answer to the 2nd notice from the date thereof, in the official Gazette a notice will be published that the name of the Company Striking Off from the RJSC Register.

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