RJSC Name Clearance

RJSC Name Clearance is mandatory and first step for registering any entity (Privet Limited Company, Public Limited Company, Foreign Company, Joint Venture Company, Partnership Firm, Trade Organization or Society) in Bangladesh. In bellow we are describing some conditions of RJSC Name Clearance.

RJSC Name Clearance Conditions:

  1. The name cannot be same as an existing entity name. It should not be similar as written, listen or pronunciation of an existing company.
  2. The name should not be similar as an existing International Company, Organization or Social and Cultural Organization.
  3. The name should not be similar to any existing social organization, business organization, cultural organization, sports organization or entertainment which continuing for a long time in the country.
  4. The name should not be similar to any registered institute which has registered by another government organization.
  5. Criticism word or slang word cannot be used as an entity name.
  6. Promoters personally attain to RJSC with organizing committee regulation for registration of a previously established (established before 10 years) Social Organization.
  7. A name which is creating national, religion and cultural conflict should not take.
  8. Simply Name Clearance Certificate is not the final decision of the Registration.
  9. Cultural, Social & Sporting Organization’s need prior permission from ministry for registration.
  10. Any existing political party’s slogan or their program or name can’t use as an entity name.
  11. RJSC can change providing name if anybody disobey any Name Clearance terms and conditions.
  12. Prior permission should be taken from Govt. and particular family in case of using the entity name of nationally famous person or family.
  13. For registering an entity name related to freedom fighter must be taken prior permission from Freedom Fighter Ministry.
  14. Name should not be similar of Govt. development organization or development program.

First of all promoters needs to submit online for proposed entity name to RJSC and make payment to schedule commercial bank. There may occur two incidents. One proposed name may be approved or another may be rejected. If the proposed name approved, then go for registration to RJSC by following stipulated way. If the name rejected then you can appeal for getting the name. RJSC authority checks it manually and if he thinks the name can be provided to the promoter then he approved it.

So for the RJSC Name Clearance you should consider above conditions.

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